There's a message in the snow from the past! Looks like Gary will be taking us back in time to the prehistoric era. Check out those fashions in the Clothes shop, and get excited because on January 22nd, backyards are coming to Club Penguin!To read the first few parts of "Secrets Of The Wilderness" click here!

January 2012 Membership Page

Membership buys more! Club Penguin have updated their membership page for January 2012! This is how it looks:
Members, dive into the new expedition in January!

-Discover secret rooms
-Collect exclusive party items and outfits
-Jump on Stage with Twelfth Fish costumes
-Coming in February: Step into the style spotlight with a special event!
What secret rooms we will discover in the Underwater Party. Time will tell...

1 comment:

  1. Hi echo! I am on sparkle! Give me time when you can be my guest! Just time for England! CAN I BE AN AUTHOR FOR ECHO006 IN CP EXTRA? PLZ!


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