I hope you all had a great christmas! I certainly did, and guess what I got? A laptop! Yes, that means I can finally start blogging again. 2013 was a great year, and I really enjoyed it. But sadly, I stopped blogging for a while towards the end of the year. There are a few good reasons for this:
1. My computer that I used previously got a virus and started to become really slow.
2. I had a really busy summer and couldn't fit time for blogging in.
3. I started playing a lot more on my iPod and the iPad and tweeting alot.
4. I moved schools, resulting in more homework and having to walk to school in the mornings and on the way home!
Now that I'm settled and finally have my own laptop to start blogging again, I'm going to make an effort to start up again. After all, Club Penguin is the reason I've come so far with this. I hope you all have a happy new year and I'll start posting again with pictures and lots of other brand new things :)