Everything You Need To Know About Puffles
There are lots of puffles on Club Penguin. There are ten different colours and still more out there in the wild. Every year a new puffle has come, yet none have arrived since we found the Brown Puffle back in January 2010! Members can adopt up to twenty puffles but sadly non-members can only adopt two.This is a complete guide for all you need to know on puffles. This is the puffle handbook:
When you adopt your puffle you can keep it in your igloo or take it around Club penguin with you! Each puffle is unique as it has an interesting fact. Every puffle has a different personality. Brown puffles are inventive and Yellow puffles are creative. There are even EPF puffles...
This EPF Puffle is called Flare. She welds things.
If you want to buy a puffle it will cost only 800 coins. Some expert minigame players can earn this simply by playing Cart-Surfer, and getting double points for earning all the stamps!There were puffle pins and there was one hidden every week. Lots of penguins collected the pins and wore them on their playercard. This was recently after the puffle party which happens every year in February. Lots of puffle things were made. Toys, Pins, Furniture, Hats, Clothing and much more with puffles on them! The latest puffle item was Puffle Hats which are now available to buy in the pet shop! Below is the complete guide on each puffle.
Blue Puffle
They’re known for their awesome team work. Few realize that each week, blue Puffles eat their weight in cookies. Personality Loyal, content, team player Toys Ball, snowballs Observed in the wild Rallying teams together Favorite Snacks Cookies and milk Favorite Place Snow Forts Cool Fact Easy to care for
Red Puffle
From the wilds of Rockhopper Island, they love adventure. Puffle experts wonder what secrets they hold. Personality Adventurous, extreme Toys Bowling pins, cannon Observed in the wild Hunting for buried treasure Favorite Snacks Stinky cheese Best Game Catchin’ Waves Cool Fact Originally from Rockhopper Island
Pink Puffle

It is said that the pink Puffle’s fur can hold 30 times its weight in water. Personality Sporty, cheery Toys Skipping rope, snorkel, trampoline Observed in the wild Using bubblegum to float Favorite Snacks Veggies, fruits, Puffle-O’s Best Game Aqua Grabber Cool Fact Loves to exercise and swim
Black Puffle

Although mostly quiet, sudden fiery outbursts show there is more to these intense creatures than meets the eye. Personality Intense, strong Toys Skateboard Observed in the wild Bursting into flames after eating Puffles O’s Favorite Snacks Chips Best Game Cart Surfer Cool Fact Always burps after eating cookies
Purple Puffle

The flash of a disco ball transforms this stylish Puffle into a powerful dance force. Personality Fabulous, particular Toys Disco ball, bubble want Observed in the wild Choosing just the right outfit for just the right occasion Favorite Snacks Very good chocolate Best Game Dance Contest Cool Fact Has a sleep mask
Green Puffle

Are experts on unicycles. They are also known for their love of April Fool’s parties. Personality Playful, funny Toys Propeller Cap, unicycle Observed in the wild Vacuums up cookies with its mouth Favorite Snacks Jelly beans Best Game Jet Pack Adventure Cool Fact Laughs an average of 14.7 times a day
Yellow Puffle
It is rumored that the yellow Puffle creates artwork from food and furniture. Personality Creative, spontaneous Toys Paintbrush, easel Observed in the wild Makes music that gets everyone dancing Favorite Snacks Cheese and crackers Best Game DJ3K Cool Fact It puts a beret on before it paints
White Puffle

It may be smaller than all other Puffles, but its power is unmeasurable Personality Shy, powerful, gentle Toys Propeller Ice skates, snowflakes Observed in the wild Freezes liquid at will Favorite Place The Dojo Cool Fact Slightly smaller than other species
Orange Puffle

This species has teeth strong enough to demolish petrified Puffle O’s. And everything else. Personality Curious, zany Toys Box, wagon, truck Observed in the wild Making quick decisions Favorite Snacks Everything (eats Puffle bowl) Cool Fact Sleeps very deeply and drools…and drools…Favorite Place Pizza Parlor
Brown Puffle

It is documented that the brown Puffle blinks more than all other Puffles. Its dreams have graph paper backgrounds. Personality Super smart, inventive Toys Beakers, rockets Observed in the wild Superior machine building skills Favorite Snacks Astronaut food (dehydrated ice cream sandwiches) Cool Fact Afraid of balloons
These facts are taken from the puffle handbook in the pet shop.
Puffles were found sometime in November 2005 at the snow forts. Penguins called them "Fluffballs". When they had rounded them all up they were available to buy at the pet shop.
There are a few puffles who like to stay in certain places.
The yellow puffle can be seen at the stage and is called Shakespeare.
The green puffle can be found in the Night Club dancing to the music.

These are the first three puffles to be spotted:
The Purple Puffle was the fifth puffle to be adopted in the Pet Shop. The first penguin who owned a Purple Puffle is our very own Aunt Arctic! But, she lost it one day. Also, that is the first mission agents completed in the PSA, is rescuing her puffle!

Soon after the Purple Puffles, Red Puffles came from Rockhopper Island as a Christmas gift! They arrived as a gift for everybody when he docked in Club Penguin.

The next puffle to come was the Yellow Puffle. They were discovered in Club Penguin during the Stage construction in November 2007. They are well known for being artists, so when the Stage came, they had to jump in!

How to care for your puffles
To care for your puffles you must feed them daily so they don't run away.
They have stat bars so you can see what they need. They were originally like this:

But then they updated it and we had no stat bars. But now we do! Now it is much easier to find out what our puffles really want. This is a great way to help your puffles by looking at the stat bars to see what they need and don't.
Make sure to give your puffles lots of O-Berries and occasionally some treats. They often need to play with their toys. Each puffle has a different toy to play with. Blue Puffle like to play with a ball! They eat many things! You can tell if they like it or not by the facial expression.

This animation was made by Club Penguin.
Now you know how to look after your puffles! Remember to take them for walks!
Puffle Guide
What are the yellow bars next to the icons?
The yellow stat bars tell you what your puffle needs. For example, if they need to be fed the yellow bar next to the food boul will be low. When all four bars are full, that means your puffle is really happy!
How do I buy food, toys and furniture for my puffle?
You can buy food by clicking on one of your puffles and then selecting the Puffle Catalog in the right hand corner.
Why won't my puffle play with all of the toys?
Puffles are very particular about what toys they like to play with. Your puffle will only play with its two favorite toys.
How do I walk my puffle?
How do I know which toys are my puffle's favorite?
When you click on your puffle and select the ball icon your puffle's two favorite toys will be at the front of the list. Your puffle's favorite toys match its personality.
To walk your puffle, click on your puffle while in your igloo. Then click the ball icon and drag the lead icon to your puffle.
Puffle Hats
Puffle hats are hats that your puffles can wear. To buy them, simply head to the Pet Shop and pick one up. Click on the hanger in the right top corner of your puffle and you will see all your hats. Drag one to the puffle and it will be wearing the hat. To get special hats, visit stores around the UK and you will be able to buy a real puffle plush with a hat and get a code to unlock on club penguin! How wonderful is that?