It's time to look back at my old postcards, back to the beginning when the Penguin Mail started, all the way to when the PSA finished. Let's have a look! Here's the free blue bag I got for having a new mail account :D
This postcard was one of my first puffles that ran away. I had a LOT more back in 2008!
This was the first anniversary party that I went to! It's a shame we don't get invitations like this anymore :(
The PSA only got paid 250 coins, but the EPF get paid 350 coins! Why?
This was the last anniversary party I recieved an invitation to. I don't know why they stopped sending them.
This was a postcard from Sensei, asking me to become a Fire Ninja and
This is strange, because my cat is called Tango and my puffle ran away?
This was when my membership expired for this first time, and the last!
This was when the PSA exploded with Popcorn and the EPF invited me to join!
Good old memories :) I love the Penguin Mail!