Click here to read the first part of the story "The puffle that knew far better than that."
The penguin stood there. Gazing at the newspaper story. Only a few days ago, he had been living life as normal...until now. There in big bold headlines, was something unimaginable. Gary had found out how to travel to the future and the past. This was the biggest shock ever in Club Penguin history. But the penguin knew far better than that. He wasn't looking at that article. He was looking at the Lost and Found page. It showed a yellow puffle with long hair. It had been lost for weeks and weeks, however it only appeared in the article now. Maybe the publishers couldn't type it up. But the penguin knew far better than that...

...The penguin was sitting in his garden, on his swing by the mountains. This penguin was clever. He put the two articles together to make sense of it all. Puffle goes missing, time machine invented. However, nobody had yet seen this time machine, apart from Gary. But the penguin knew far better than that! The penguin knew that it was time for some investigating! The article stated that the puffle went missing just before Christmas. Therefore meaning that Gary was not inventing - he was
most likely putting decorations up, buying presents and other Christmas jobs. So this
"time machine" could of easily been stolen when nobody was looking. After all, it wouldn't be that hard to grab Gary's key, open up the door, grab the time machine, and go to the future or the past. He'd figured it out! But he couldn't do
anything to help. It was dark outside. The penguin watered his plants and waddled to his bed. Then he remembered something. 3 years ago, puffles were trapped underground. He even had the article to prove it! This penguin loved collecting old items to keep records of history.
...But that didn't mean anything. If he had got trapped underground, then what would the time machine have to do with it? Things just didn't make sense! Did the puffle get into the time machine himself? Or was he
pufflenapped? But the article stated that he was by the mountains. That's too far from the underground to get to it on his own. Something was wrong. It was as if it was messing with the penguin's mind. He decided to go to sleep and try and forget about the matter. When he woke up, he heard a loud bang at the door. The penguin opened it and received a parcel. What was it? He opened it quickly and discovered what it was. An invite from
Gary! But he was talking seriously. It was about the time machine missing! He obviously hadn't written in the newspaper that it was missing. This was exciting news! The letter told the penguin to meet Gary at the Forest immediately! And that's what he did...
...Gary was waiting for him with a worried look on his face. He told the penguin that he had cameras monitoring the time machine and that he had seen a very strange
"ninja" hop into the machine. "When this happened, I was alerted however it was too late. The machine had been stolen and there were no traces of what year it could of gone too. And this is where
you come in." Gary paused breifly and then continued..."I need you to get into this prototype time machine of mine. It is an exact
replica of the old one, but it may need a few tweaking. However, I have no time to waste. You'll have to go on and search through the years trying to find this ninja." Gary gave the penguin (who was never addressed by his
real name) a photograph of the mysterious ninja. He instantly recognised him. His brother had been killed by him. In the past.
(Read Stuck In The Past to find out how Echo died!) This was his one chance where he could hunt down the ninja or maybe even change time forever to get his brother back. But the penguin knew far better than that...
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