Want some more action? Missed out on the Marvel Party? If so, head over to the Stage to watch the latest play! Act and perfrom, watch the play and find a costume! There's something here for everyone...
993rd Post ~ Statistics
My Club Penguin name is Echo006. My penguin is 1555 days old, today. I started this blog in October 2011 ~ since then I have had over 31000 pageviews. There are 993 posts on this blog and I have 255 stamps in my stampbook. I have collected 144 pins since April 2008 and I have 20 puffles ~ one of each colour. I have every single igloo avaialble since you could store igloos. I have tons of rare items and it takes me ages to go through all of my outfits. I have 49 postcards in total and I have all 9 stamps in Thin Ice.
Click here to listen to a Dance Mix Tune
992nd Post ~ EXCLUSIVE Sneak Peeks
I've found some information about the Ultimate Jam Party! Here's just a few small images of what's in store for the Ultimate Jam. You can see Cadence, CeCe, Rocky and many other rooms too!
Those rooms look awesome! I can't wait to hang out with friends, sing, dance and perform at this party! It's a shame that Club Penguin are advertising Shake It Up. This does not make it enjoyable, as much as I would like to find the two characters.
991st Post ~ The Club Penguin Times Issue 350!
Wow! After 200 issues of newspapers since I was around, I am shocked to see how long it has been. There are 50 weeks in a year, time has gone so fast! In fact, I have proof. Take a look at my stampbook and look at the back page, there you will see the 150th Newspaper Pin :) Now time for some news. Guess what? The heroes won all thanks to the EPF. The EPF are agents who go around saving the island undercover. Everybody knows about them really, it's just that their secret can't be exposed, but I just told you :)
990th Post ~ My New Look
Don't try to be someone who you're not, be the real you :)
I've just got an EPIC new look! In fact, so have my puffles and he goes perfectly with my outfit :) I've got my usual hair, a new body item, a matching V.I.P pass, aqua blue high-tops and an MP3000!
I'll be changing outfits every once in a while for this month, but for now if you spot me, I'll be dressed like this!
I've just got an EPIC new look! In fact, so have my puffles and he goes perfectly with my outfit :) I've got my usual hair, a new body item, a matching V.I.P pass, aqua blue high-tops and an MP3000!
I'll be changing outfits every once in a while for this month, but for now if you spot me, I'll be dressed like this!
989th Post ~ EXCLUSIVE Unreleased Items
These images are from Trainman1405 and Gpumpkin :) Check out these unreleased items which are coming soon!
The Blackbird:
988th Post ~ Ultimate Jam Login Screen
Check out the brand new login screen that Club Penguin have added. There is Cadence, and a sneak peek of a room! Click this screen to be sent straight to the Gift Shop with a certain special link...
...Shake It Up are joining Cadence for a special surprise, the brand new Ultimate Jam party! How will you make your mark?
...Shake It Up are joining Cadence for a special surprise, the brand new Ultimate Jam party! How will you make your mark?
978th Post ~ Reviewed By You: Summer Activities
Thanks for sharing with us who you think is a hero! It was hard to choose just one to feature, but we really enjoyed Boorex's comment. Check it out:
"A hero to me is my older sister! She makes me laugh when I'm sad. She helps me with my homework when it gets tough. She also gives great advice. The thing is, a hero doesn't have to have a power, they just have to be a person you can look up to or trust! Waddle on cp!"
We totally agree, Boorex! :)
For many of you, school is out for the summer! We'd love to know what your favorite summer activity is and why. Let us know in the comments below.
I'll randomly pick one of your comments to feature next time and the lucky penguin will receive 10,000 coins on their account. Stay tuned!
985th Post ~ Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal Stage Catalog
Even though the city has transformed, Club Penguin still needs super heroes. Watch the latest play at the Stage, but first ~ you will need some outfits. Look inside the stage catalog to find out what's in store...
984th Post ~ A brand New Look...
I've decided that I should have a brand new look. I don't have any new items and I didn't really want to buy any from the Penguin Style Catalog so instead, I unlocked a ton of items from the treasure book :) But this new look isn't just for me, I've got my puffles a treat too!
983rd Post ~ Penguin Style Catalog July 2012
Have you seen the latest styles? If you haven't check out the Gift Shop! It's full of outfits that will blow your mind...
982nd Post ~ Lost!
At the moment, I am lost. I was meant to be travelling to Shipwreck Island. But I got eaten by a monster. Then I slipped out of his mouth, and saw four weird visions. Now, I'm just wandering about in a forest where loads of puffles can be found. Help me!
These trees are really starting to creep me out. Luckily, there are plenty of dragon fruits here :)
These trees are really starting to creep me out. Luckily, there are plenty of dragon fruits here :)
981st Post ~ Say Goodbye to The Club Penguin City
The city is a horrible place. There is litter everywhere, banana peels and cans! The smell of pollution from the cars. There is so much to see, but the best part is inside the shops. I took a careful peek inside the Police Station before it turned into the Stage, I saw lots and lots of robbers. It was like a zoo full of animals!
980th Post ~ Ultimate Jam Party Information Sneak Peek!
The Ultimate Jam is coming soon! The Marvel Super Hero party is just packing away ~ everybody should now be recovering from their injuiries so they are able to dance at this party...
Here's a sneak peek of what is to come at the Ultimate Jam party! (Click the image to enlarge)
...There is going to be a lot of music at this fabulous dancing party!
Here's a sneak peek of what is to come at the Ultimate Jam party! (Click the image to enlarge)
...There is going to be a lot of music at this fabulous dancing party!
979th Post ~ EXCLUSIVE Items with US Membership Card
Let yourself free, to be what you will be :)
I love hearing that so many of you are excited about the upcoming Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam! The island is going to transform into one giant party. And members can access the VIP Backstage, where they can get the chance to meet Cadence.
And hey, did you know, right now in the United States, 3 month Membership Cards come with an exclusive item you can unlock online!
There are three different cards and each one comes with a different free, rare item - a speedboat, guitar, or cheerleader outfit. You can buy yours at Target, Walmart or Gamestop locations across the USA. These cards are only available for a limited time.
What do you think of these items? What kind of items would you like to see come with membership cards? Let us know in the comments below!
Waddle On! :)
I love hearing that so many of you are excited about the upcoming Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam! The island is going to transform into one giant party. And members can access the VIP Backstage, where they can get the chance to meet Cadence.
And hey, did you know, right now in the United States, 3 month Membership Cards come with an exclusive item you can unlock online!
What do you think of these items? What kind of items would you like to see come with membership cards? Let us know in the comments below!
Waddle On! :)
Step 3 ~ Recovering from the Shock!
...I sat up in a nice, warm comfortable bed. I was feeling a little bit rough, but I managed to stop thinking about what had happened. To the side of me, were two small objects. I opened one of the objects, revealing a red flashing light. I wondered if I should press it...
977th Post I'm a V.I.P ~ Fact File
Did you know that I have been to every single Music Jam parties over the last 4 years? For proof, check out my V.I.P pass from 2008! But now, Club Penguin have decided to ruin Music Jam by adding two stars from Shake It Up! First, Club Penguin has a chaos war, and now a dance party with Rocky and CeCe? Ever since Disney joined Club Penguin, all they have done is advertise! This has gone too far...
976th Post ~ A lovely Tune
The cities are full of heroes, villains, citizens, puffles, cars and much more! Club Penguin is slowly returning to normal as the heroes rise to the sky and the villains fall to the ground...
Click here to Listen to a Lovely Tune!
975th Post ~ Super Heroes to The Rescue!
Desperate times call for desperate measures! The Super Heroes are saving the city ~ but first they must make a plan! Inside this HQ, underground or high in the sky, there are tons of heroes ready to stop the destructobot, ready to get their costumes on and ready to save the world!
...Just remember ~ Villains are worse than you think!
...Just remember ~ Villains are worse than you think!
974th Post ~ Super Villain HQ
This is where Super Villains plan to destroy the city! They eat yummy cookies which upgrades their power by 94.683%! Only Villains are allowed here, but sometimes the Super Heroes try to spy on them and find out what is happening.
Even EPF Agents had the courage to go in there and find the system file!
Even EPF Agents had the courage to go in there and find the system file!
973rd Post ~ The City Centre
The Snow Forts has been transformed into the City Centre! There is a burning building, that only members are allowed to go inside, penguins are crazy throwing shockbombs left and right :) Be careful...
The fire brigade are trying to put the fire out, lots of penguins need help! If you go to the rooftop, you are able to face the destructobot for the final showdown! Super Villains vs Super Heroes...
The fire brigade are trying to put the fire out, lots of penguins need help! If you go to the rooftop, you are able to face the destructobot for the final showdown! Super Villains vs Super Heroes...
972nd Post ~ The Dock
This room is where the Meteor landed! Penguins were shocked at this strange sight, this is what caused all the chaos! The protobot regained his power and made an even bigger bot! He then found Super Villains, such as UP10K, and made an army to defeat the heroes and EPF Agents.
Many penguins have been hurt, by either a shockbomb or other various things, please be careful!
Many penguins have been hurt, by either a shockbomb or other various things, please be careful!
971st Post ~ The Police Station
If you waddle over to the Plaza, you can see that the Stage has been transformed into a Police Station! Citizens are trying their best to stop the Super Villains and robbers, but can they stop them before July 4th?
Robbers and Villains are escaping jail as we speak, they can go through the vents and climb down the ladder to their secret hideout!
Robbers and Villains are escaping jail as we speak, they can go through the vents and climb down the ladder to their secret hideout!
970th Post ~ The Iceberg
At the Iceberg, you can watch the lovely fireworks or run around knocking over the small Club Penguin playset! If you go to the Club Penguin island, everything is a city. I would much rather stay here at the Iceberg :)
...Super Heroes, remember to protect the citizens of Club Penguin from the giant monsters that are knocking down the tiny little rooms :)
...Super Heroes, remember to protect the citizens of Club Penguin from the giant monsters that are knocking down the tiny little rooms :)
969th Post ~ Groovy Tune
You've only got one life, make the most of it :) Here's a groovy tune and a photo of me too...
Click here to listen to a Groovy Tune!
968th Post ~ EXCLUSIVE: Let the Club Penguin Games BEGIN :)
Doing something requires practice :) Do it everyday and see what things you can do!
So the other day, Club Penguin blogger Trainman1405 posted about the Club Penguin Games that are coming next month that is probably dedicated to the London 2012 Olympic Games :D And this party will rock making so much fun competitions to do with pals just like the Penguin Games 2008, just to let you know here are some pictures of the event that is upcoming maybe next month! Here is a concept of the Homepage, it looks great, but this was made in November...does that mean Club Penguin is putting extra effort?
So the other day, Club Penguin blogger Trainman1405 posted about the Club Penguin Games that are coming next month that is probably dedicated to the London 2012 Olympic Games :D And this party will rock making so much fun competitions to do with pals just like the Penguin Games 2008, just to let you know here are some pictures of the event that is upcoming maybe next month! Here is a concept of the Homepage, it looks great, but this was made in November...does that mean Club Penguin is putting extra effort?

967th Post ~ July 2012 Pay Day :)
Don't be a villain, be a hero! What's the point in destroying the world ~ then you'd have nothing to do! Nothing left of the world, so if you protect the world then we can all live happily ever after!
Today, I came rushing downstairs out of my treehouse and opened up my mailbox. I couldn't reach it, so I had to climb up a ladder :) There were two postcards inside! I opened them as quick as possible to find...
Today, I came rushing downstairs out of my treehouse and opened up my mailbox. I couldn't reach it, so I had to climb up a ladder :) There were two postcards inside! I opened them as quick as possible to find...
Step 2 Travelling Across The Ocean ~ My Stories and Adventures
...At the moment, I'm stuck inside a giant monster! I don't know how long it has been, but I have all the things I need to improve Shipwreck Island ~ but how am I meant to get there? It is actually quite big inside here, there are lots of resources and even a load of puffles who are very scared. There's lots of goo about, and it is very bright. I hope that soon I will slip down the giant tongue and out into the water...
965th Post ~ The Sunset
As the sun sets and the night begins, and the sun rises ~ today is a different day. Yestarday is gone, but today is here. Enjoy it while you can, today is the first of July! Time goes very quick, before you know it you'll be all grown up :) Look at the wonderful details in this fabulous painting!
Step 1 Finding Items ~ My Stories and Adventures
There's more to life than computers. Look out the window, there's a whole world out there!
Today I set off to Shipwreck Island to build something brand new on the island! I needed tons of resources, so I waddled to the Aqua Grabber and started collecting items. I found some Cream Soda near the bottom of the sea, it might come in useful!
Today I set off to Shipwreck Island to build something brand new on the island! I needed tons of resources, so I waddled to the Aqua Grabber and started collecting items. I found some Cream Soda near the bottom of the sea, it might come in useful!
963rd Post ~ Marvel Superhero Takeover Music
The sea is blue, the grass is green, the sun is shining, and the rainbow is near.
The Marvel Superhero Takeover is coming to an end, that means the music will leave too! Don't worry about that, you can still listen to the music with this link! Have you heard Cadence's latest song?
The Marvel Superhero Takeover is coming to an end, that means the music will leave too! Don't worry about that, you can still listen to the music with this link! Have you heard Cadence's latest song?
Click here to listen to Marvel Music!
962nd Post ~ "The Party Starts Now" DJ Cadence Sneak Preview
Stop what you are doing, and listen to this song :)
DJ Cadence has created her very first song, and it's coming to iTunes soon! Click the video below to listen to this epic tune :)
...This song is EPIC! I can't wait for the Ultimate Jam, I thought Cadence was a dancer ~ but I guess she could be a singer too :)
DJ Cadence has created her very first song, and it's coming to iTunes soon! Click the video below to listen to this epic tune :)
961st Post ~ Shipwreck Island Construction
Practice makes Perfect ~ Never give up!
I have decided to move from the Club Penguin Island to an island not far from Club Penguin, but a good distance away. It would only take a few minutes to get there in Rockhopper's New Upgraded Ship! Why am I moving here? I can create a comfortable place to live here, I can decorate it and make it my own island. I enjoyed staying at Dinosaur Island with Perapin, we decided to go back home but I felt that I wasn't too safe with all the chaos. Dinosaur Island wasn't as nice as Shipwreck Island :) Here I am, with my viking friends, but not for long! I am creating a brand new area in this island, that may take a while. I am going to add brand new food, a new room, decorate it, add more furniture, and much more! Want to see the final touches? Check out the blog in the next few weeks :) I hope Rockhopper doesn't mind, I'm going to have to move everything out of this room and start from scratch! I will post every step of my story on the blog, this will truly be a wonderful adventure!
I have decided to move from the Club Penguin Island to an island not far from Club Penguin, but a good distance away. It would only take a few minutes to get there in Rockhopper's New Upgraded Ship! Why am I moving here? I can create a comfortable place to live here, I can decorate it and make it my own island. I enjoyed staying at Dinosaur Island with Perapin, we decided to go back home but I felt that I wasn't too safe with all the chaos. Dinosaur Island wasn't as nice as Shipwreck Island :) Here I am, with my viking friends, but not for long! I am creating a brand new area in this island, that may take a while. I am going to add brand new food, a new room, decorate it, add more furniture, and much more! Want to see the final touches? Check out the blog in the next few weeks :) I hope Rockhopper doesn't mind, I'm going to have to move everything out of this room and start from scratch! I will post every step of my story on the blog, this will truly be a wonderful adventure!
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