Every few months, Club Penguin holds an igloo decorating contest. The winner gets lots of coins, featured in the newspaper and some rare items ;) That's how it usually works. So, this time ~ the theme is obviously Halloween. If you're an extreme decorator (like me) then you will have tons of items over the years you've been collecting. If so, you'll have an advantage as you may have the Jack-O-Lantern igloo, the old pumpkins, the old graveyards, and other things like that. Those are great for making your igloo look better. You'll have to add a few new items too from the catalog.
...Once you have completed decorating your igloo click the yellow igloo sign in the bottom corner of your igloo ;) Then, click yes. If you have any changes, then remember to submit your igloo again once you have changed it. The previous igloo will be deleted and the judges will not see the old igloo. That's pretty much all you need to know, so get decorating :)
I don't have many Halloween items, because I was grounded around then so I probably won't enter.