There's a message in the snow from the past! Looks like Gary will be taking us back in time to the prehistoric era. Check out those fashions in the Clothes shop, and get excited because on January 22nd, backyards are coming to Club Penguin!To read the first few parts of "Secrets Of The Wilderness" click here!

Field-Op #60

EPF Agents report to the Command Room! Gary has some news...
He says: "The Ice Rink is back this week. And we've got work to do. We must ensure that the ice isn't too strong. Head over to the Stadium, and find a way to test its strength."
Here it is by the side of the Ice Rink!
Lock Detected! Crack the lock. Listen to the tempo of the lock, then repeat it. Be precice! You must match each lock twice.
"Well done Agent! Using your Spy Phone's lock-pick to tap the ice was the perfect way to test its strength.
Quite some time ago, Herbert used the ice to build a giant magnifying glass. So ever since, we've made sure to keep an eye on it. Thanks again."
The Ice Rink is now in perfect shape! Lets all skate together with friends...

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